Frequently Asked Questions About Jeans Cream

Absolutely. The verdict is in! Jeans Cream is an exceptional healing product, outperforming many creams, and we have received testimonials that it has been effective in relieving the painful, aggravating symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, shingles, diabetes-related foot issues, and other itchy or dry skin conditions. Try it for yourself!
No, Jean’s Cream is over the counter.
Yes, Jeans Cream offers a full money-back guarantee, no questions asked, on the unused product returned within 30 days of purchase. In business since 2002, our rate of product return is less than 1%.
Not presently.
See Retail Locations on this site. Your nurse or doctor will usually know if you can purchase it locally. Otherwise, you can order on this site, or by calling 1‑800‑276‑6116, or through Amazon (5-star rating). It is usually shipped within 48 hours.
No. Jeans Cream is high-potency Vitamin E and Aloe and does not contain perfume, petroleum, or lanolin.
Jeans Cream is best applied thinly at least twice a day, most importantly an application at bedtime, and again immediately after treatment (if undergoing radiation therapy). We recommend that you apply Jeans Cream every time your skin feels hot, irritated, itchy, or sensitive. It is gentle, non-irritating and can be applied as often as desired. Recommended for eczema, psoriasis, shingles, diabetes-related skin issues, and other conditions. If undergoing radiation therapy, always check with your physician prior to use. Note that the skin should be washed and dried and left natural for radiation treatments themselves.
Jeans Cream is best when used at least several days before starting treatments, continuing through treatments, and after treatments until completely used up.
A 7-OZ tube will last through a series of 30 –35 radiation treatments when applied as recommended including several days before and after treatment. A 2-OZ tube will last for 10-15 treatments.
Please ask your treatment facility to request a supply of samples from us.